

Mean monsters are troublesome😭意地悪モンスターは厄介だ

The mean monster is Otsubone😭

In Japanese, otsubone is a word that refers to a veteran woman who runs a workplace. In modern Japan, it has negative connotations such as "mean".


In Japan, there are many people who think that young women have value, so young women who are good-looking often have their privacy invaded, their personal information scrutinized, and people continue to make negative comments about their appearance. There are many patterns in which they do insidious and mean things that you can hear from a distance rather than directly, and it's very insidious 😭

[Oburo] is not only insidious 😭
He is insidious and very persistent. 😭 [Otsubone] is not mean to his superiors, so he insists that the person he is bullying deserves to be bullied, and [Otsubone] increases his number of friends, and starts to meet young and cute women. He forces her to quit her job and commit suicide. . 😭In Japan, the more mean people are, the more likely they are to remain in the company, and many of those who are treated mean quit their jobs or commit suicide. 😭I am also someone who has been treated badly, so I want to change Japanese society. 😭 I have doubts about Japanese society where young people are bullied just for their good looks 😭












Mean monsters are troublesome😭意地悪モンスターは厄介だ

The mean monster is Otsubone😭

In Japanese, otsubone is a word that refers to a veteran woman who runs a workplace. In modern Japan, it has negative connotations such as "mean".


In Japan, there are many people who think that young women have value, so young women who are good-looking often have their privacy invaded, their personal information scrutinized, and people continue to make negative comments about their appearance. There are many patterns in which they do insidious and mean things that you can hear from a distance rather than directly, and it's very insidious 😭

[Oburo] is not only insidious 😭
He is insidious and very persistent. 😭 [Otsubone] is not mean to his superiors, so he insists that the person he is bullying deserves to be bullied, and [Otsubone] increases his number of friends, and starts to meet young and cute women. He forces her to quit her job and commit suicide. . 😭In Japan, the more mean people are, the more likely they are to remain in the company, and many of those who are treated mean quit their jobs or commit suicide. 😭I am also someone who has been treated badly, so I want to change Japanese society. 😭 I have doubts about Japanese society where young people are bullied just for their good looks 😭












In Japan, the stake that sticks out will be driven down. 日本では出る杭は打たれる

There is a saying in Japan: ``The nail that sticks out gets hammered down''.
There is a saying in Japan: ``The nail that sticks out gets hammered down''.

There is a saying in Japan: ``The stake that sticks out gets hammered down.''

The meaning of the phrase ``A stake that sticks out will be driven down'' is ``A parable of how those who display talent are envied and hindered.'' Also, if you behave too much, you will be hated.

In Japanese society, there are many people who value women's youth, and there are many people who bully young women and talented people.
I am also one of the bullied people.

In Japanese society, there is a tendency to believe that the person being bullied is at fault.
At school or at work, the person who bullies is not punished,
It is common for people who are bullied to quit school or work.
I think it's strange that the people who bully are not punished.

I want to create a society where talented people and young women are not bullied.
I would like you to lend me your strength.



【出る杭は打たれる】という言葉の意味は、【才覚をあらわす者は妬まれ、妨げられることのたとえ。 また、出過ぎたふるまいをすると憎まれる】です。


